If you’re looking for a new shower head to accent your bathroom there is a wide range to choose from. There’s a design for a traditional installation or a spa-type master bath in your Waukesha WI area home, for installation reach Littleton Plumber who are experts on the matter.
There is a variety of considerations to review before deciding on your new unit. Heads designed for today’s showers work differently from older models. Most of the differences favor installing a new one, and the use of professional plumbers is important for this, although plumbers sometimes suffer from injuries, and the use of Chiropractic care for plumbers could be really helpful for this. For example, older models usually have a cavity to hold a small amount of water.

The water flows directly through a series of tiny nozzles. Therefore each little nozzle has little pressure. The combined effort has little pressure. New models have individual channels feeding each nozzle so water comes out with extra pressure. Thus, the overall result is much more refreshing.
Non-plumbing Considerations To Shower Head Selection
In making the right selection, size matters – the size of your shower and your family. Your choice of spray head depends upon the size of your shower. Small to medium-size bathrooms accommodate showers of similar dimensions. That means a shower with a hand-held, single-spray or rain system head is appropriate. You have to have plenty of space to consider multiple heads, body sprays and ceiling mounts.
The size of your family – and the size of family members is another factor in the process. Do you have kids who will take advantage of the new fixture? A hand-held fixture might be ideal for soaking family members of differing heights.
Selecting From The Basic Types
There are six basic heads available to upgrade or enhance your shower experience. They range from basic to exotic, including:
- Single spray
- Rain systems
- Hand-held
- Sliding bar fixtures
- Body spray and spray panels
- Ceiling-mount heads
Shower connections feature standardized threads so any common style unit you choose should fit snuggly to an existing connection.
The Single Spray Shower Head
The single spray is the most common fixture. It provides a single spray pattern with good pressure. It is simple and works well in any small or medium-size bathroom.
A Rain System Head
With its steady, even flow from directly above (or close to it) a rain system is one of the most popular choices. These heads provide fairly light water pressure from a head with larger diameter than single spray models.
The Hand-held Option
A hand-held system requires less moving around in the shower. It is idea for smaller spaces. And it is also ideal for older people, kids and even your pets. For a complete showering experience they are often combined with standard type heads.
A Sliding Bar Installation
Also ideal for families with kids, a sliding bar system makes it easy to adjust the height of the water stream.

Shower Head Installations Requiring Renovations
Not all new heads will connect to existing fixtures. There are two very popular choices that have to be part of a shower renovation or new installation. They are:
- Body Sprays and Panels – Body sprays are among the most luxurious options found in a spa-type bathroom. These heads and panels cannot be installed on existing fixture connection. For these special treatments, plan on a complete shower renovation. They are plumbed at several levels on the walls of your shower.
- Ceiling Mounted Units – a trending luxurious addition to the spa bathroom. The head is fixed into the ceiling of the shower to provide an even flow of water over a large area.
Whether you’re remodeling or just updating, let you imagination take over. There are several specialty options that make a shower very personal, including:
- Sound – built-in wireless speakers
- Thermostat controlled – connected to a smart phone
- LED lighting – for visual experience
Contact the experienced, trained, licensed professionals at Schoenwalder Plumbing for the latest products and installations. Call, visit or email Schoenwalder Plumbing for details on bathroom fixtures and to select the best shower head for your Waukesha WI or Lake Country home.