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Power Lawn Irrigation from Your Home Water Well

Done correctly, a home water well efficiently powers in-ground lawn irrigation systems. Rural wells and water pumps provide dependable performance throughout Waukesha WI and the Lake Country of southeast Wisconsin.

An underground system is convenient and attractive. It sure beats pulling hoses and placing sprinklers, doesn’t it? The big question in most homeowners’ minds is: “Will my pump and well system deliver enough water pressure and flow to power a sophisticated system.” Where municipal water is available there’s no doubt. With private wells there are limitations, but the usual answer is “yes, your system can do the job.”

There are two basic considerations before committing to an in-ground sprinkler system:

  • How much water can your well provide – in terms of gallons per minute (GPM)?
  • How much water (GPM) can your existing pump deliver at a reasonable, usable pressure?

Running a powerful pump for an extended period can run a well dry – thankfully, the well refills when the pump stops. A weak pump won’t stress the well but it won’t deliver an even flow of water, either. For a successful lawn and garden irrigation system coordinate these two critical elements.

An in-ground lawn and garden irrigation system is not only convenient, it’s more efficient than hoses and sprinklers. An automated system uses less water. Manually moving sprinklers around, it’s easy to put too much water in one spot and not enough in another – not to mention watering pavement, gravel driveways and sidewalks. How many times have you forgotten it’s on and left the water running too long? That’s a problem, isn’t it.

Studies show as much as 50% of the water applied manually goes to waste because of evaporation, wind or runoff.

Water Well | Lawn Irrigation | Waukesha WI | Schoenwalder Plumbing
Tired of dragging hoses and sprinklers around your rural landscape? You can have an in-ground system.

Know What Your Water Well Can Do

To know how your water delivery system works before installing a complex in-ground irrigation system, consider:

  • An accurate well data record – this is a legal document recording all the vital data pertaining to the performance or your well. If you don’t have one, get the original from the well-driller – the company’s name should be on the metal well cap.  The Well Record will include recommended pumping rates (GPM) as well as a “test rate” the well-driller used to test the well when it was installed. It will also include the depth of the well.
  • Mother Nature needs a helping hand to keep your property looking lush and green throughout the heat of mid-summer – is your well pump up to it?Pump Data– know the make, model number and horsepower rating of the current pump. If you don’t have it, obtain a copy of the pump’s operator’s manual for required specs. Get your plumber Waukesha to advise if unsure.
  • Water Pressure– in-ground irrigation systems require steady water pressure and local, individual wells operate differently from municipal water supplies. Pressure from residential wells can vary depending upon the pump. You might consider adding an additional pump specifically for irrigation – providing even pressure to sprinklers without reducing pressure to the home.
  • Rate of Flow– figuring the flow rate for individual well pumps depends upon configuration. Some use a holding tank from which the home draws water. The flow rate from the tank isn’t always the same as directly from the well – rate of flow often drops when the tank empties. Sprinkler systems use a lot of water in a hurry and can empty tanks. An empty tank can lead to an overheated and damaged pump.
  • Backflow Concerns– a backflow preventing valve system is a must with hoses and lawn sprinklers and an automatic irrigation installation drawing water from wells. The system prevents dangerous contaminants from getting into the water through the irrigation pipes and sprinkler heads. Municipalities often have their own regulations.
Water Well | Lawn Irrigation | Waukesha WI | Schoenwalder Plumbing
Mother Nature needs a helping hand to keep your property looking lush and green throughout the heat of mid-summer – is your well pump up to it?

Don’t Guess, Use A Pro For Water Well Powered Irrigation

Combine all these inputs to complete a comprehensive plan and optimize your chances for a successful installation. The overall space you want to cover, the number and output of sprinkler heads and the length of run between heads are all limited by the capacity of your water delivery components.

You have options to customize a system to fit your property. Choices range from reducing the amount of lawn or gardens covered by the system to installing higher capacity pumps to increase output and pressure.

Schoenwalder Plumbing’s skilled, licensed plumbers are ready to review your water delivery system and offer expert advice on how to make the most of it for a lush, green lawn.

If your lawn is suffering from the heat of summer, call Schoenwalder Plumbing at 262-542-7908 and make an appointment to discuss the solutions we have to offer. Our certified plumbers can recommend and install an appropriate system quickly and efficiently. You’ve invested in your property so taking good care of it is worth the extra effort, isn’t it?  Schoenwalder Plumbing provides the right water well systems to power lawn irrigation installations anywhere in Waukesha WI and the Lake Country.

Contact Schoenwalder Plumbing

SFGATE – Sprinkler Systems and Wells

Best Reviews Guide – 10 Best In-ground Sprinkler Systems July 2021

City of Madison – Tips to Prevent Careless Lawn Watering

New York Times:  A sign saying ‘Back Off My (Green) Lawn – Another Perspective



(262) 542-7908

Bath & Kitchen Showroom